All moms need help--so enlisting this mom's concierge service is a no brainer.
Pampered Mommas, the brainchild of Rochelle Walker, is a mom's concierge and baby planning business with all moms in mind.
"I am such a lucky woman," says Walker. "I have two beautiful, healthy boys and a husband that supports me in all aspects of my life, but more importantly a husband that is an amazing 'papa' to our boys.
Sammie and Jax are my world, no doubt about it, but the road here was not an easy one. When I gave birth to our first son, Sammie, in 2006, I was scared out of my mind. I had no clue what I was doing. Yes, I had been around babies all my life, but I had never been a mom. No one shared with me the challenges that were ahead (keyword: EXHAUSTION). I thought I was prepared but in reality, I needed help, I was just too scared and embarrassed to ask for it. My second pregnancy, with Jax, was extremely difficult, with months of bed rest and ultimately a hospitalization. After a few weeks in the hospital and no improvement, an emergency C-section was required at 32 weeks. Jax was born weighing 4 lbs 5 oz, a good size for being so early, but still required a lengthy stay in NICU. He was a fighter and showed us that he was one to be reckoned with, and he continues to live up to that hype.
During my time on bed rest and in the hospital, I was constantly reminded of services that I wish had been available to me, things that might help with the stress of the situation, but these services were hard to come by and in often cases, non-existent. Not just services for me, but services that could help my family as well.
I am a firm believer that if we take care of ourselves and allow ourselves a little “me” time we will ultimately be better, more patient moms. When creating Pampered Mommas, I thought of all the services that I wish I had when I became a first time mom, as well as help for the second time around. We don’t stop needing help when the baby is 6 months old, or even 2 years old. As a mom, we are constantly “at work” and my goal is for Pampered Mommas to be the place you call when you just need a little help. Whether you want to be pampered with an In-home massage, help preparing for your baby’s arrival, or maybe you are so exhausted you just want to take a nap, we can help with that and so much more."
Pampered Mommas Q&A:
Kidandcaboodle: What's the most popular service you offer?
Rochelle Walker: "In-Home Pre/post Natal massage and our Bed Rest package."
K&C: Which services do you yourself partake in and what do you like about them?
RW: "I love meeting Moms, whether they are expecting their first child, or already have three, I just love to connect with them. I, myself, do all of the Baby Planning and Concierge services. Baby Proofing Consultations, Registry Assistance, Nursery Organization, etc and I arrange all the other services as well. So I get to meet or speak to everyone and try my best to meet them all face to face. For me, it is about relationship building I want the new mom to know that she can call on me for anything. Having a newborn (and heck even a toddler) is scary and sometimes quite difficult and if you are lacking support that makes it even harder. I want any mom to know that she can call on us and we will do everything we can to support her and walk her through motherhood."
K&C: Describe one of the most meaningful jobs you have done for someone or the best feedback you've received for your services.
RW: "I know it sounds cliché but each client I have met has been meaningful, honestly. To name a few: I met with a mom while she was on bed rest and hospitalized and our stories were so similar. We were able to treat her to a facial right there in the hospital, which just made her “feel” better. And most recently, I did a meal delivery for a mom that is going through chemotherapy. She was just so grateful and I was thrilled that we were able to provide her with a bit of a break (and a yummy meal)."
K&C: What services do you hope to add in the future?
RW: "There are quite a few services that I hope to add in the future. I would like to begin to offer Infant Massage Classes and pre-natal nutrition just to name a few. Pampered Mommas is also going to be hosting monthly social gatherings for Moms (Moms Night Out, if you will). These
will range from adult nights for mom, or events that will also include the family. I plan for Pampered Mommas to be the place where all moms go for services ranging from pampering to preparation to social events. I want moms to remember who they were before they became mom and realize they can be that person again, it is just about learning the balance."
K&C: What do you like most about helping other moms deal with motherhood?
RW: "I LOVE knowing that I am giving a mom a break. Even if just for a little bit, I take great pride in being able to do that. As moms, we ALWAYS put everyone else before ourselves and I hope that Pampered Mommas will be the place where moms know they can turn to, when they are ready to add themselves to their own to-do list. We are all better mothers, when we take care of ourselves as well."
K&C: What have you learned about yourself through your work with pampered mommas.
RW: I have learned that I made the right decision by starting this business. When I meet a mom and she tells me how much she loves Pampered Mommas, it fulfills me. When I share my business with others and hear them say how amazing it is, how they wish they had something like Pampered Mommas when their kids were younger, it makes it all worth it."